Bless You! (Genesis 12:3)
The Lord called Abraham to leave his father and other relatives behind in Haran which is in Mesopotamia. It is a land east of the middle-Euphrates river valley. Modern Iraq encompasses most of this ancient land. Abraham was called to follow God to an unnamed place. Abraham followed God's call. I see in Abraham the same kind of faith I see in the early disciples of Jesus. Jesus came to Simon Peter and James and John, fisherman of Galilee and said, "Follow me." They dropped everything and followed Jesus into ministry. I don't think I could do that. I need to know my family will be cared for. I couldn't leave them, so they'd need to come with me. So when God called me to preach, I didn't just drop everything. Instead everything was dropped for me. I was working as production superintendent for a food company when we were sold to another company in the industry. The day after they took control, I was let go with 37 others in a reduction in force, part of th...