
One of the very last things written in the New Testament is Maranatha! It is the Latin version of the Greek phrase "erchomai kyrios Iēsous" which literally means "Come Lord Jesus!" The author of T he Apocalypse of John , also called the Book of Revelation ends his account of divine visions about the end of the age with a cry for Jesus to come. It is a cry for the completion of all things in God's redemptive plan to finally come! John exiled upon Patmos sees a vision of the end He who testifies (That's the risen Lord Jesus) to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. (Revelation 22:20) Advent is a four week period at the beginning of the Christian year in which disciples of Jesus choose to prepare their hearts for the annual celebration of His birth. But it's also a time to long for the peace that was promised at His birth. You might remember the angel proclaimed peace to the shepherds. And there were shepherds ...