Moses, Prayer and Community (Numbers 17:8-16)

After the miraculous events of the Exodus from Egyptian oppression, God led the Israelites into the deserts of the Sinai Peninsula. They suffered thirst and hunger. The journey required faith. However the former slaves didn't know how to live apart from their former taskmasters. They grumbled and complained along the way. At times Moses feared for his life, concerned that the people might stone him. In every instance God provided. God delivered. Beyond the scant water and food, the Hebrews were attacked by the Amalekites. (See Exodus 17:8-16) A battle ensued with Joshua leading the fighting men of Israel against the enemy forces. The high priest Aaron and Hur accompanied Moses to a hilltop overlooking the battle. God instructed Moses to hold up the staff of God through which God wrought the plagues upon Egypt. As long as Moses held the staff up toward the throne of God in heaven Joshua and his forces prevailed. But when Moses tired and rested his arms, the Israelites began to fall...