
Showing posts from July, 2022

Judge for Yourself (Luke 12:48-59)

  God is visiting you. The time for judgment is now! You are being weighed and measured. [Title Slide] Judge for Yourself (Luke 12:48-59)   A farmer was out working his fields one day when he spotted something strange in the sky. He saw in the clouds the letters S.P. [Slide] It was as plain as day, the letter S, followed by the letter P, right up there in the sky. He was awestruck and wondered what it could mean. That night while he was praying, he had a sudden epiphany. S.P. means “Start Preaching!” He told his wife, “The Lord is calling me to start preaching!” So he enrolled in a Bible College and soon after he was invited by his hometown church to be the guest preacher. He was so excited he could hardly stand it. He worked real hard preparing for the big day. And when the day came to preach, he worked up a sweat he gave so much of himself. And he was sure to tell everyone the story about the letters S.P. in the clouds. After the service was over, one old farmer came ...

Being Ready (Luke 12:35-48)

  "Be dressed for action and have your lamps lit."  Luke 12:35 [Title Slide] Being Ready (Luke 12:35-48)   [Slide] The owner of a stockyard noticed one of his employees asleep at his desk. The boss yelled at him, "If I catch you sleeping on the job again, you're fired!" The clerk jumped up and apologized, "I understand, sir! Won't happen again." Then the boss said, "Now go… take inventory of the sheep."   I’ll wait... Are you awake? Did you get the punchline?   We’re continuing our study of the gospel of Luke. [Slide] In our passage reading this morning, Jesus encourages the church to be ready, stay awake, keep your lamp light burning. Exactly how do we ready ourselves? How do we stay alert and be ready to serve?   The King James Version begins verse 35 by saying let your loins be girded about. To gird yourself is to tuck your loose clothing in tight under your belt, so that your movement is not restricted in any way, ...