
Showing posts from June, 2024

Preparing to Cross (Joshua 1:1-9)

  [Title Slide] Preparing to Cross ( Joshua 1:1-9 )   [Slide] We will be celebrating Independence Day this week. Happy 4 th everybody! [Slide] It’s also a presidential election year. Will voters reveal it’s time for a change in leadership? We may wonder, “Will the next president be what America needs for the times we are facing? Today is my last day with you. Perry Montgomery begins his ministry with you this week. [Slide] I trust you will remain faithful to our true leader, the Lord Jesus Christ, as you greet him warmly and pray for him throughout his ministry with you. And regardless of who sits in the oval office, may the Church remain the faithful Church of Jesus Christ.   [Slide] The reading from Joshua takes place east of the Jordan River. To the west lay the Promised Land of Canaan. Moses had led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, through 40 years in the wilderness, and prepared them to cross into God’s promised future. Moses will not make this ...

Facing The Giant (1Sa 17: 8-11, 26, 40-51)

  [Title Slide] Facing The Giant ( 1Sa 17: 8-11, 26, 40-51)   Since 9/11, Americans have entered a new era which analysts call the Age of Fear. When the two towers of the World Trade Center fell, the Pentagon was hit and United 93 crashed in a field in Pennsylvania, the American psyche was indelibly altered. I remember it well. We now live in a world where suicidal terrorists fly public jet airliners into skyscrapers to achieve their goals. If making America feel afraid was the terrorists’ goal, they achieved it. It put a chink in our armor. Our overall feeling of security, stability, and well-being is threatened.   [Slide] According to a study by Chapman University, the top 5 things Americans fear today are,   [Slide] Government Corruption              60.1% Financial collapse                    ...

Growing Disciples (Mark 4:26-29)

  [Title Slide] Growing Disciples ( Mark 4:26-29 ) There are various quizzes online where you can find out something about yourself. For instance, which of the 100 acre wood characters are you most like? I thought I’d get Tigger, but the quiz results said I was most like Christopher Robin. I found out that the sorting hat at Hogwarts School of Magick would place me in Gryffindor House. My kids thought for sure I’d belong to Slytherin House.   The earth produces by itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. But when the grain is ripe, at once he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come. Mark 4:28-29 [Slide] In the parable of the growing seed, Jesus tells of how the seed grows in stages. First the seed, then the sprout, then the stalk, then the head, thane the full head, then a ripe harvest. Disciples grow in stages, too. In our time this morning, I hope to offer you a way to measure your growth as a disciple of Jesus.   [Sli...

Looking For Leadership (1st Samuel 8:1-20)

  [Title Slide] Looking For Leadership (1 st Samuel 8:1-20)   Samuel was only a boy when he first heard the call of God. In the scripture today, Samuel is an old man. He had become the leader of Israel as God’s emissary. Everyone respected Samuel and flourished under his leadership.   Samuel’s sons were a different story. They were not trustworthy. They were corrupt, took bribes, and perverted justice.   Transparency International is an organization that works to end corruption. From their website:   [Slide] Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain.   Corruption erodes trust, weakens democracy, hampers economic development and further exacerbates inequality, poverty, social division and the environmental crisis.   Draw your own conclusions as to how relevant is this information for our current situation here in the US.   Israel knew that Samuel was getting old. It weas time for new leadership. The...