New Clothes (Colossians 3:12-17)
Sermon for Milledgeville and Whitestown UMC New Clothes (Colossians 3:12-17) A Christmas Story What did Frosty’s girlfriend give him when she was mad at him? The cold shoulder. What did the snowman say to the aggressive carrot? “Get out of my face.” Why did the Little Drummer Boy put his drum to bed? It was beat. I trust you all had pleasant Christmas gatherings. We watched some of our favorite Christmas movies, like A Christmas Story (1983). I always laugh at the scene when Ralphie and his brother, Randy, are opening gifts. They open a gift with a pair of socks. They look at each other, shrug, chuck them over their shoulders, and dive into the next wrapped gift. I assume most of us are not that excited about getting clothes at Christmas. Although I’m into my new Star Wars socks! In today’s reading, however, the apostle urges the church to put on their new clothes. But you got to chuck your old clothes first. I’ve got loads of c...