#1 Top 40 New Testament Passage: The Gospel (John 3:16)

As part of my personal journey through the season of Lent, I am going to write each day about a verse or passage of scripture in the New Testament, as part of a top 40 list. This list is personal, not the top 40 for all Christians, but my top 40. As I began scanning through the New Testament I quickly realized just how difficult developing this list will be. In the old radio days of top 40 programs counting down to the number one song in America, Casey Kasem would start his countdown with number 40 and end with number one. Since I'm still trying to decide my top 40, I'm going to start with number one. The number one New Testament verse to remember is John 3:16. John 3:16 Guy “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life." (John 3:16) NFL Tim Tebow John 3:16 Merchandise You might say that John 3:16 is the best known verse in all the Bible. It makes national telev...