Lent - A Journey Toward New Creation
So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! (2nd Corinthians 5:17)
The Lord created the heaven and the earth with all the starry hosts, plant and animal life and humanity. God rested from all the work of creation on the 7th day and made it a day holy apart from all other days of the week.
God completed creation and rested and calls us to enter into His rest in holiness. Some would have us believe that God is like an absentee landlord, neglecting the rental properties, not attending to rats and other pests. God made universe and then sits back and watches, not involved directly with the events in our lifetime. This view is meant to help explain why there is suffering in the world, when an all-loving, ever-present, all-powerful, omniscient being rules the universe.
The scriptures never depicts God as absentee. There may be times when it appears so, God is very involved in the events unfolding upon the earth. God intervenes on behalf of God's chosen, Israel, and for all who trust in God. Following the Eden story, God intervenes with Cain who murdered his brother Abel. God protects Cain from retribution from others. God sees all the violence and wickedness on the earth and decides for a reboot with a great flood, preserving the lives of Noah and his family, with male and female couples of every creature on the ark. God calls Abram from pagan worship. God covenants with Abraham and Sarah to make them into a great nation by which the whole world will be blessed. God delivered Israel from famine, slavery and enemy nations. God also chastened disobedient Israel and rebellious kings. God led Israel into exile under the Babylonians, but sent them prophets to correct their course and rebuild the nation from the heart up! Through the dreams of prophets God brought Messiah Jesus in the fullness of time. The church affirms that Jesus, the Son of God, is the exact representation of the divine nature. All the fullness of God was pleased to dwell in Him. (Hebrews 1:3; Colossians 1:19)
As we enter the season of Lent, let us enter into God's rest. God is eternal, the One who is, who was, and who is to come. In God's experience past, present and future all exist in together before Him. There is a sense that creation is completed, that all God's work to create, redeem and recreate is finished. Jesus said as He died upon the cross, "It is accomplished." All that needs done for you to gain abundant and everlasting life is completed. Enjoy that peace filled rest which God mediates to us through the presence of the Holly Spirit. We can enjoy that 7th day when God smiled and relaxed into that special day. We can enjoy that future in this present time, when God will be with us, no longer separated by time, or circumstance or, emotions or sins. We can enjoy the future now through the Spirit and experience the peace that passes all understanding. When can enjoy the presence of God at that future time when He will wipe every tear from our eyes, a time when there will be no more crying or pain or death.
Make every effort this Lenten season to enter into God's rest. While the world continues in its brokenness, we will continue in hope and victory through Christ.
The Lord created the heaven and the earth with all the starry hosts, plant and animal life and humanity. God rested from all the work of creation on the 7th day and made it a day holy apart from all other days of the week.
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Bow Lake - Alberta, Canada |
The scriptures never depicts God as absentee. There may be times when it appears so, God is very involved in the events unfolding upon the earth. God intervenes on behalf of God's chosen, Israel, and for all who trust in God. Following the Eden story, God intervenes with Cain who murdered his brother Abel. God protects Cain from retribution from others. God sees all the violence and wickedness on the earth and decides for a reboot with a great flood, preserving the lives of Noah and his family, with male and female couples of every creature on the ark. God calls Abram from pagan worship. God covenants with Abraham and Sarah to make them into a great nation by which the whole world will be blessed. God delivered Israel from famine, slavery and enemy nations. God also chastened disobedient Israel and rebellious kings. God led Israel into exile under the Babylonians, but sent them prophets to correct their course and rebuild the nation from the heart up! Through the dreams of prophets God brought Messiah Jesus in the fullness of time. The church affirms that Jesus, the Son of God, is the exact representation of the divine nature. All the fullness of God was pleased to dwell in Him. (Hebrews 1:3; Colossians 1:19)
As we enter the season of Lent, let us enter into God's rest. God is eternal, the One who is, who was, and who is to come. In God's experience past, present and future all exist in together before Him. There is a sense that creation is completed, that all God's work to create, redeem and recreate is finished. Jesus said as He died upon the cross, "It is accomplished." All that needs done for you to gain abundant and everlasting life is completed. Enjoy that peace filled rest which God mediates to us through the presence of the Holly Spirit. We can enjoy that 7th day when God smiled and relaxed into that special day. We can enjoy that future in this present time, when God will be with us, no longer separated by time, or circumstance or, emotions or sins. We can enjoy the future now through the Spirit and experience the peace that passes all understanding. When can enjoy the presence of God at that future time when He will wipe every tear from our eyes, a time when there will be no more crying or pain or death.
Make every effort this Lenten season to enter into God's rest. While the world continues in its brokenness, we will continue in hope and victory through Christ.
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