Two Worlds (John 3:14-21)
Sermon for Centenary UMC (Lebanon) on March 10, 2024
Jesus and Nicodemus |
Worlds (John 3:14-21)
At the Pearly Gates, St Peter says to the engineer "Sorry pal,
you're not on the list. You can't get into heaven." The engineer says
"Wait a minute, I always donated to charity, my wife and I raised two
orphans we adopted, I attended church regularly, what do you mean I'm not on
the list to get into heaven?" St. Peter says "Look I don't make the
rules, you're not on the list, that means you go to hell."
engineer goes down to hell and introduces himself, gets to know the devil and
says "Hey I could make a few changes to make things more comfortable down
here." He installs a state-of-the-art air conditioning system and all of a
sudden it's a pleasant 68oF in Hell. God looks down and realizes he
needed to make an adjustment.
says to the Devil, send me back that engineer. I gave Peter the wrong list. The
devil says forget about it, this guy's great, I'm not giving him up. God says
"You send him back up right now, or I'll sue!"
devil says to God "Oh yeah? And where are YOU gonna get a lawyer?"
apologies to lawyers and engineers in the room.
[Title Slide] Today’s reading
from John chapter 3 is from a larger conversation between Jesus and a
high-ranking Pharisee, named Nicodemus. Nicodemus arrived at night, presumably
because he didn’t want others to know he was meeting Jesus. John uses the word night
as metaphor for spiritual blindness, ignorance.
is under the influence of spiritual darkness, therefore he cannot see or
understand Jesus. His world has blinded him.
are two worlds depicted in John. Chapter three is loaded with references to
these two worlds. I’m not talking about planets, like the Earth or Mars. I’m
talking about two realms, two spheres of influence. We live in Central Indiana.
We are shaped by the values, ethics, customs and the major political and social
concerns of our times. [Slide]
We are shaped by the news media. We are shaped by the chatter on social
networks and other sources of opinion on the internet. We are shaped by our
neighbors, friends, and family. We live under the sphere of influence of such
people and sources of information. That is our world. [Slide]
and Nicodemus share much in common. They are both Jews. They both share the
faith tradition handed down through Moses. However, Jesus was born poor and worked
as a skilled laborer. Nicodemus enjoyed wealth and political power. Jesus saw
the suffering caused by the oppression of Rome, and he recognized the failure
of Israel’s teachers and political rulers to address their suffering. Nicodemus
was safely distanced from all that. Jesus and Nicodemus were from two very
different worlds.
is the Christ, God’s only begotten. Nicodemus has no idea who Jesus really is. Jesus
came to earth from heaven. Nicodemus had never been to heaven. He is in the
dark. But Jesus is the light of the world, bringing divine illumination.
[Slide] Look at the words that describe
Nicodemus’ world, our world.
Darkness, Cannot-See, Hate, Flesh, Water, Reject, Condemned, Perish, Earthly
and World.
[Slide] Now look at the words associated
with the light Jesus brings into our darkness.
Life, God, Light, Spirit, Wind, Truth, Kingdom, Above, See, Accept, Believe,
BornAgain, Saved.
[Slide] Let’s acknowledge that we come
from Nicodemus’ world. I don’t mean that we’re Jews or Pharisees or wealthy. I
mean we are of the world, of the flesh. Because of sin, we are estranged from
our creator. We’re in the dark when it comes to knowledge of the things of God.
We’re more fluent in the ideas of the world around us than we are with what
matters to God. But there is a world beyond our world of fleshly appetites, ignorance,
and hostility toward God. It is the Kingdom of God, where God’s will is done.
Our world does not come to the light of God. In fact, our world hates God’s
light and prefers darkness.
want to remain ignorant of the things of God. It’s easier that way. Why talk of
sin? Why talk about what God wants? Who really knows the truth anyway? Your
truth may not be my truth. Do you hear the language of rejection, the language
of ignorance? Do you hear the language of our world?
told Nicodemus,
this is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and people loved
darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil. For all who do evil
hate the light and do not come to the light, so that their deeds may not be
exposed. (Jn 3:19-20)
describes our natural state. [Slide]
The apostle Paul puts it this way in his letter to the Church in Rome.
those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the
flesh… To set the mind on the flesh is death… For this reason the mind that is
set on the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law—indeed, it
cannot, and those who are in the flesh cannot please God. (Romans 8:5-8)
the good news is… there is a way out of darkness. [Slide] There is a way to be saved from our world
of fleshly, evil, and hostile influences by seeing, accepting, trusting in
believing we are saved from this world and enter into life lived, not by flesh,
but by the Spirit. We leave behind the influence of the world and happily
submit to the influence of the Spirit. Those who live by the Spirit know peace
and life. Through the Spirit we get in touch with the very source of life, for Eternal
God lives in the one who trusts in Jesus.
[Slide] Again Paul writes, “If the Spirit
of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus
from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also through his Spirit that
dwells in you… if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the flesh, you
will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.”
8:11, 13b-14)
hope it’s clear to you that there are two worlds. [Slide] We are born into our world, a world
ignorant of God, estranged from God because of sin, a world ruled by fleshly
desires, greed, lust, foolishness, fear, hate, and idolatry. We seek after
things and experiences rather than the living God. Darkness reigns in the mind
that belongs to our world. According to the apostle James, friendship with this
world is enmity with God. (Jms 4:4)
world is coming to nothing, so why invest so much in it? Instead, learn to
invest in the world to come, the kingdom of God. Every act of kindness, of
faith, of justice and righteousness is an investment in the world to come, a
deposit toward your heavenly home.
we are going to be saved from this world, we first must recognize that we are
caught under its influence. The best way I know to recognize the ways in which
the world has its hooks in me is to read the word of God. [Slide] The holy
scriptures shine God’s light into our darkness. We are laid bare before God
when reading the Bible. The Spirit of God will convict us of sinful thinking
and desires. The scriptures will point the way to right living, and urge us to
stop living according to the desires of the flesh.
[Slide] God lifted Jesus upon a cross as a
sign to the whole world of God’s loving choice to save us. While suffering the
venom of their own complaining, Moses lifted up a bronze serpent to heal the
wandering Hebrews. In the same way, God lifted up the cross to make us whole.
The cross is a sign inviting you out of darkness and the hostility of the
flesh, into light and peace through the Spirit of God. We are all born
estranged from God because of sin, but through the cross of Jesus, the welcome
light is turned on urging us to come home, urging us to walk out of the
influence of our world and enter into the influence of God’s own Spirit. [Slide] The apostle Peter
wrote to the Church.
are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in
order that you may proclaim the excellence of him who called you out of
darkness into his marvelous light. (1st Peter 2:9)
do we need to do to step out of the darkness of worldly thinking and fleshly
[Slide] In Luke 18 a rich man asked Jesus,
“Good teacher tell me what I must do to inherit eternal life.” Jesus answered
know the commandments: ‘You shall not commit adultery. You shall not murder.
You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness. Honor your father and
mother.’ ”
replied, “I have kept all these since my youth.”
Jesus heard this, he said to him, “There is still one thing lacking. Sell all
that you own and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in
heaven; then come, follow me.” But when he heard this, he became sad, for he
was very rich.
see Jesus exposed the rich man’s heart. His heart belonged this world. He may
have lived as a good law observant Jew, but his heart belonged to what money
buys… comfort, esteem, and power.
[Slide] Jesus told Nicodemus that no one
can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born from above, born of the
Spirit, born again. That may sound like nonsense like it did to Nicodemus, but
hear the gospel…
[Slide] God so loved the world… this dark,
ignorant, hostile world… God loves our world, and us caught in the world’s
influence… God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, Jesus
Christ, that whosoever believes in him… trusts in Jesus for salvation…
whosoever believes in Jesus will not perish, but will have everlasting life.
trusts the good news that God loves you and has acted to rescue you from the
darkness of this world, and from condemnation, enters into life lived under the
influence of the everlasting God. May His love reign in your hearts forever.
are we to do to inherit the gift of eternal life? Believe in the good news.
Trust in Jesus and learn to live under the influence of the Spirit. It may seem
impossible or even foolish to you. That’s the darkness speaking. What is
impossible for humanity is possible for God.
[Slide] The light is on! Come out of the
dark and enter the Kingdom of God.
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