Pentecost (Acts 2:1-21)

[Title Slide] Pentecost (Acts 2:1-21) Some like to call Pentecost the birthday of the church. I prefer the view that Pentecost is when the Church took its first baby steps. It is the gift of the promised Holy Spirit that empowers the Church for ministry that we celebrate this day. Worshippers from all over the Roman empire had gathered to celebrate the Jewish Festival of Weeks, Shavout . Shavout occurs 7 weeks after Passover, on the 50 th day. That’s where we get the name Pentecost. The festival is one of three required pilgrimages to the temple in Jerusalem. It coincides with the wheat harvest during late spring. Worshippers brought to the temple sheaves of wheat as a first fruits offering. In accordance with the law of Moses, each family brought the first and best to give to the Lord. As Israel became less centered upon agriculture, the Feast of Weeks shifted to a celebration of the giving of the Law at Mt. Sinai. [Slide] When I was a kid,...