You Are My Witnesses (Luke 24:44-53; Acts 1:1-11)
[Title Slide] You Are My
(Luke 24:44-53; Acts 1:1-11)
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.
Act 1:8
days after Easter, Jesus was taken up to heaven. Happy Ascension Sunday! And It’s
Mother’s Day! Congratulations and God bless all mothers, grandmothers, great
grandmothers, and their families today!
faithful prayers of mothers and grandmothers have aided many, unbeknownst to
most. Saint Augustine’s mother, Monica, didn’t want her son to go to Rome. She
prayed that he wouldn’t get on the ship, but he did. She prayed for Augustine
while he immersed himself in the sinfulness of Rome. Augustine studied oration
at university. His teacher was Bishop Ambrose. Ambrose inspired Augustine,
which eventually led to his conversion to Christianity. Saint Augustine became
one of the most influential theologians in Christian history. This happened
because of the faithful prayers of his mother, who never gave in to despair,
but just kept praying.
ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father. He hears
every prayer. Keep on praying for your families. The Kings of Kings and Lord of
Lords hears you and is working out His good purposes for all who love Him.
Ascension of Jesus reminds us that Christ is reigning from heaven in glory. His
rising from the earth and disappearing beyond the clouds suggests that heaven
is up above the earth, somewhere up there. Heaven is closer than we ever
dreamed. Heaven is everywhere, underpinning our very existence. We pray, “Thy
kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Heaven is where
God’s will is done. Jesus made it possible for us to experience heaven on
earth. Jesus ascended into heaven. Freed from the limits of time and space, He
poured out His Spirit upon the church. Through the Holy Spirit, we experience
heaven in our hearts.
[Slide] Christian author Richard Foster
goal of the Christian life is not simply to get us into heaven, but to get
heaven into us!”
is the Ascension important? John’s gospel tells us. Jesus said,
is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Advocate
(Holy Spirit) will not come to you, but if I go, I will send him to you. (John
the Spirit filled the church, the ministry of Jesus spread like wildfire,
because Jesus was no longer limited to the body of the preaching carpenter from
Nazareth. From heaven, Christ empowers every disciple with grace, truth, and love.
[Slide] Luke tells us three important
things that happened in the 40 days after Jesus’ resurrection.
opened the disciples’ minds to understand the scriptures.
charged them to proclaim repentance and forgiveness in His name to all nations.
instructed them to wait for the promise of the Father.
opened the minds of His disciples to understand that He is the fulfillment of
the scriptures. Jesus is the very goal of scripture. [Slide] Jesus helped them to understand
that he is the prophet that is to come as Moses promised.
Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own
people; you shall listen to him. (Deuteronomy 18:15)
[Slide] He helped them understand that the
psalms foretold his suffering.
pierced my hands and my feet.
can count all my bones.
look, they stare at me;
divide my garments among them,
they cast lots for my clothing. (Psalm 22:16b-18, NASB)
[Slide] When speaking of the resurrection,
Peter quoted Psalm 16, while preaching to the crowd at Pentecost.
will not abandon me to the realm of the dead,
nor will you let your faithful one see
decay. (Psalm 16:10)
[Slide] He quoted the prophet Joel.
the last days it will be, God declares,
I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh,
and your sons and your daughters shall
your young men shall see visions,
and your old men shall dream dreams.
upon my slaves, both men and women,
in those days I will pour out my Spirit,
and they shall prophesy. (Joel 2:28-29;
Acts 2:17-18)
a fresh understanding of the scriptures, the disciples returned to Jerusalem
and waited for the promise of the Father, power from on high, the Holy Spirit.
by the Spirit, the Church carried out the ministry of Jesus. They proclaimed repentance
and forgiveness in Jesus’ name with divine authority behind their words, accompanied
by miraculous deeds of power. They healed the sick and drove out demons.
[Slide] Jesus told his disciples,
will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be
my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the
earth.” (Acts 1:8)
[Slide] Look at this map. Jerusalem is on
the northeastern border of Judea. To the north is Samaria. As the church,
empowered by the Spirit of Jesus, proclaimed the gospel, the church of Jesus
Christ spread throughout the Roman world, [Slide] to the ends of the earth.
told the church, “You are my witnesses.” [Slide] The Greek word we translate as witness is
martys. It’s where we get the word martyr. The word means to witness or testify
to what you have experienced. We are called to be Jesus’ witnesses to the
world. We are here today because Christians through the millennia have
faithfully answered the call to witness for Jesus.
[Slide] So how are we to become witnesses
for Jesus? By proclaiming forgiveness and calling people to turn their hearts
and lives toward God. And by continuing the ministry of Jesus in the power of
His Spirit.
[Slide] Luke summarizes the ministry of
Jesus very well.
had come to hear him and to be healed of their diseases, and
those who were troubled with unclean spirits were cured. (Luke
do you see?
[Slide] They came to hear him… hear
what? They came to hear him teach good news about the coming reign of God’s
came to be healed… Jesus healed lepers, restored the sight of the blind,
and made the lame walk again.
they came to be liberated from troubles. (Demons)
Healing and Liberation is the ministry of Jesus.
[Slide] The Church continues the ministry
of Jesus in many ways. We teach hope in the gospel through preaching and
education. We restore health through healing prayer and compassionate care,
visiting the sick and encouraging them.
liberate lives through ministries of justice. We advocate for the poor and
oppressed. We work to improve the situation of those who are marginalized in
our society. We speak up and stand with them, working to gain them equitable
treatment in society. The Church offers support groups for addiction recovery,
divorce support and grief recovery.
lives is about transformation. With a foundation of hope in the gospel, lives
are made whole, health is restored, and, in the power of the Holy Spirit, lives
are transformed. Teaching, Healing and Liberation ministries bear the fruit of
Hope, Health and Holiness. Holiness is simply sharing in the divine nature. We
are made in God’s image, fallen from God’s image because of sin, and restored
to our divine potential through the power of the Holy Spirit.
8:29 says we are “predestined to be conformed to the image of God’s Son.” Holiness,
becoming like Jesus, is the goal of our faith.
hope, restoring health, and liberating lives is how we continue the ministry of
Jesus as His witnesses.
humorous how Luke ends the story of the Ascension. [Slide] Jesus disappears in the clouds and
the disciples are looking up to the sky, when suddenly two angels appears and
of Galilee, why do you stand looking up toward heaven?” (Acts 1:11)
other words, “What are you standing around for? The Lord has given you your
mission. Now go!”
went back to Jerusalem, blessing God, worshipping daily at the temple, and waited
for the promise of the Father. Soon they began the mission as witnesses for
Jesus Christ.
about us? In what ways are we standing around gawking and neglecting the
ministry of Jesus? Some look to heaven as an escape. I know I’ve said many
times, “Get me off this rock!” When is Jesus gonna come back and put an end to
this mess?
want to know why the church is dying in America? By and large, the church in
America has become a spectator sport for religious consumers. It’s high time we
learn to be Christ’s witnesses again.
means being prepared to tell others how Jesus has transformed your life. Every
Christian should have a testimony prepared to share with a friend, neighbor,
family member or coworker. Your
testimony doesn’t need to be long. You don’t need to quote scripture. You just
need to tell your story. What difference has Jesus made in your life? As you
teach hope, restore health, and liberate lives, people are going to want to
know why you do what you do. Be ready.
[Slide] I saw this on Facebook recently. Your
testimony of what Christ saved you from, is another hurting person’s invitation
to His grace. Someone in your network of relationships needs to hear your
weekend, I shared my story before singing Zach Williams’ Fear is A Liar.
I shared that I live with PTSD from childhood trauma. I told them fear is a
major preoccupation for survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse. But fear
is a liar. Trust in Jesus helps free me of fear and He can free you too.
young man came to me afterward and told me my words meant a lot. He, too, had
experienced child abuse growing up. He wept as he shared what happened. He’d
never told anyone before. We prayed together, and calmness filled his heart. At
the end of the weekend, he stood and told everyone he had come to the weekend
hoping to find something he’d lost. With joyful tears he testified, “You know
what? I found it! I found Jesus.”
don’t know your stories, but I’m sure you have a story about how faith in Jesus
made a difference for you. Someone needs to hear it.
[Slide] Christ ascended into heaven and is
seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. He sounds far away, but
the truth is the throne is right here, in your heart. “You are my witnesses!”
Jesus says. So let us recommit ourselves to the ministry of Jesus. With power
from on high, we can and will overcome! Somebody testify!
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