
Showing posts from October, 2024

One Flesh (Mark 10:1-16)

 One Flesh (Mark 10:1-16) Billionaire Elon Musk held a press conference about his project to solve global warming. He told the gathered press, “I will build giant sunglasses.” A journalist raises their hand and asks, “How is that going to stop the earth from warming?” Musk answered, “It makes it cool!” In today’s gospel reading, Jesus is accosted by Pharisees with a thorny question about divorce. It was a hot button issue for first century Jews. There were two Pharisaic traditions in Jesus’ day, the school of Shammai (conservative) and the school of Hillel (liberal). They were at odds with one another, causing friction in Jewish society.  The Pharisaic school of Shammai was fairly rigid in its interpretations of the Law of Moses. They held that divorce was acceptable only when adultery or severe neglect were apparent. Jesus tended to have conflict with Pharisees and their rigid interpretations. In the case of divorce, however, Jesus sided with Rabbi Shammai, which put him at odds with