Identity (John 1:19-34)

Sermon for Milledgeville and Whitestown UMC Identity ( John 1:19-34 ) Bilbo and Gollum trade riddles Peter Jackson's The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey In J,R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit , Bilbo Baggins suggests a contest of wits to Gollum. Each is to present a riddle and the first to be stumped loses. If Bilbo wins, Gollum will escort him to freedom. But if Gollum wins Bilbo becomes lunch. Here's a few riddles. Thirty white horses stand on a hill. First they chomp, then stomp, then stand still. What are they? TEETH I am light as a feather but even the strongest cannot hold me for long. What am I? BREATH The stakes are high for John the Baptist. His ministry had drawn the attention of the religious leaders in Jerusalem. John was preaching repentance and baptizing in the Jordan. Crowds were flocking to him. Jerusalem sent men to interrogate John. They ...